Shannon Hansen and Kyle Shea – Secret CPA Training

Shannon Hansen and Kyle Shea – Secret CPA Training


Shannon Hansen and Kyle Shea – Secret CPA Training

Greg Davis email list:
If you’re anywhere near NYC, you gotta move fast. I LOVE black hat media buying, but it isn’t the greatest business model. You can make a ton of money quickly, but it’s not something you can sell. However, there is a CPA affiliate business model that does allow you to build and asset – and still make a ton of cash quickly. That model is financial lead gen. More specifically your own lead gen offer. My client Shannon Hansen has it down to a science. Just this year alone he’s already done over $3,000,000 with his reff offer. Check the screenshot. And that’s just one offer. Today Aug 3 at the W hotel in Times Square, from 2-5 PM Shannon and his partner Kyle will be teaching a select group of people how to do what they do – create their own offers and blow them up. The will spilling their guts on how to step-by-step create, setup, and run your own offers. And for the lead gen affiliates – how to stop from getting scrubbed and shaved by networks and advertisers. They’re going to share their inside secrets to making millions with lead-gen. And – it’s 100% white hat. They are only allowing 20 people to this private training, and there are only 2 seats left. How much would you pay to learn step-by-step how to build a $6M lead gen, business, that you could sell one day. If it were me I would charge $10k for this workshop, but these crazy guys are only charging $2500.

Mailerforum email list:
Hey Everyone
My business partner and I are running a 3 hour private group meeting at the Extreme WOW Suite @ W Hotel New York in Times Square on Monday, August 3rd, from 2-5 PM on how to create, setup, and start your own offers and prevent yourself from getting scrubbed and shaved by networks and advertisers.
-Shannon Hansen is one of Greg Davis 25k coaching clients and is legit. He is teaching how to set up,run and scale YOUR OWN CPA advertiser lead gen offer.
-Kyle Shea (owner of mailer forum + exclusive
Managing Partner:
Weshky Holdings LLC

Our current portfolio includes:
Mailer Forum ( – A web forum and community dedicated to email marketing and affiliate marketing.
Mailer Forum CPA Network ( – An exclusive cost per action network running in-house, self hosted offers with top payouts and fast payment terms.
Both very legit guys, teaching you how to set up a real business and real asset and scale it big…
Webinar is being held on september 15th and going over the same topics/training from the private event which was discussed in the emails above…
…This is a chance to get in and learn everything for pretty d*** cheap and not have had to fly out to NYC to get in on it, which you’ve missed anyway.

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 1.33 GB

Also, See: Kody Karppinen – Advanced Bing Ads Training CPA+Extended Email Marketing

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