Matt Bockenstette – Cross Promo Mastery

Matt Bockenstette – Cross Promo Mastery Download

Matt Bockenstette – Cross Promo Mastery Download

What You Get:


Inside “Module #1,” we’ll discuss the quick story related to WHY this micro-course was created & the top 7 benefits you’ll achieve for yourself, your brand, & your email list once you’ve learned to master the art of sourcing, facilitating, & executing highly-success cross-promos…


Inside “Module #2.” you’ll discover the exact “how-to tactical strategies” for completing your first (or next) profitable cross-promo – starting from the “cold email formula,” to the crafting, & executing of each cross-promo…


Inside “Module #3.” you’ll receive your “6-Part Bonus Bundle” that includes the word-for-word emails (along with the exact stats for each “Outbound Promo Email” directly from within my USP), the methods I use to deliver my bonuses via email, my first-ever call with the legendary Kim Krause-Schwalm where we discuss the details of our first cross-promo together, video breakdowns of the tools I use to run efficient cross-promos, as well as an hour-long conversation with Adil Amarsi, where we dive deeper into the strategies you can use to execute your first (or next) successful cross-promo…

This Micro-Course Guarantees To Teach You:

  • How to master the single-most-powerful list-building strategy I’ve used to grow my Copy Legends email list from ~1,500 to ~7,000 red-hot subscribers in just a few short months (WITH only ~6 month of experience in our industry when I first started – and WITHOUT the use of paid media traffic)…
  • How to maximize the top 7 benefits of running a successful cross-promo – from building reputation and boosting authority, to increasing revenue and optimizing deliverability…
  • How to cold-email influential cross-promo partners using the exact “cold email formula” I’ve used to create genuine, connecting relationships with the world’s most influential copywriters, that opened the doors for these exact cross-promo opportunities to come to life…
  • A line-by-line breakdown of the exact “cold email formula” I’ve sent to prospective cross-promo partners (all of whom have been in the industry longer than me – and many of whom have much larger lists than me…) (PLUS: the 4 primary types of emails to send across the 3 different phases of various cross-promos…)
  • The 3 types of BONUSES you (and your partner) must offer to maximize the number of new subscribers you each gain on your email lists (these are non-negotiable for maximizing the number of “replies” you receive from existing – and new – readers…)
  • The top 5 strategies I’ve used to incentivize – and structure – many of my most successful cross-promos with the most successful copywriters on the planet (whom have significantly larger reputations & email lists than me…)
  • How to EXECUTE a smooth, effective, & profitable cross-promo with high-level operators in your market by deploying the 5-stage “4FT Method”…
  • The exact follow-up email/template I send to my next cross-promo partner, providing all the critical information we both need to make it as clear & successful as possible (including the 7 VITAL ELEMENTS that must be included to ensure 100% clarity for each partner…)
  • And so much more…

And By The End Of “Cross-Promo Mastery”…

You’ll possess an intimate & tactical knowledge of the exact strategies I used (and that you’ll soon be able to use for yourself, your brand, your email list, & your clients) to…

  • CREATE real, genuine, connecting, & personal relationships with the world’s greatest living (active) copywriters; and…
  • CRAFT & EXECUTE highly-successful cross-promotions with these same individuals, who were all willing to introduce Copy Legends/myself to their digital families, including…

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 2.60 GB

Also, See: Joe Soto – People Patterns Mastery

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