Kyle Sulerud – YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels

Kyle Sulerud – YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels Download

Kyle Sulerud – YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels Download

YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels – Kyle Sulerud: This isn’t a 12 week course or a program filled with 100+ hours of content.

You can implement the RFA method for your business tomorrow. Because all you need is 3 hours to learn my entire system.

Heck, if you’re feeling ambitious… you can have the entire RFA method implemented by the end of the video, because I walk you through it step-by-step.

Of course we’ll also give you some bonuses to go with it. You’ll see those later on. And this is the first time I’m offering this training to the public. Before, it was only available for clients of Dan Henry’s high end program – Digital Millionaire Coaching. (A 5 figure investment)

Not only that, Dan has since closed off his program to the public. So you can’t even get the training there anymore unless you’re an existing client of Dan’s.

And if you’re wondering whether or not this strategy will become outdated like many other strategies we see in our space…

I’ve been using this same strategy for years for my agency clients. Unless Google completely removes all their targeting from their platform, the RFA Method will live.

And unlike Facebook who’s removing targeting options, Google is always adding more. So the core training of YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels falls into 3 parts:

Here is some summary information about YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels , if you want to read more about YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels , please scroll down to the product homepage!

Part I: Creative

This is where most people’s YouTube scaling dreams fall flat. The creative is the electricity powering the sales factory we’re creating here.

And if you slack on this part, then you’ve got an abandoned factory. Maybe once in a while, a sale will come out… but it definitely won’t make up for the ad spend bill.

So I’m going to walk you through our process to consistently create high converting YouTube ad creatives.

Part II: Scaling

This is where the magic happens. The heart of the RFA Method beats here.

Now that you’ve got some strong ad creatives, here’s where we’ll turn those creatives into sales reps for your business. Plus, we’re only going to put them in front of highly targeted prospects.

RFA stands for Ready, Fire, Aim. And this is exactly how we’re going to create scalable YouTube campaigns at record speed.

Part III: The Walkthrough

Welcome to the last part of the training. You’ve got some killer creatives. You know how we’re going to methodically approach our campaigns. Now this is where the rubber meets the road.

Here’s where I’ll walk you through Google Ads on how to set up your campaign from scratch.

Pro tip: It’s extremely helpful if you create a mock campaign while following along. Just so you have all the settings and whatnot.

And above are 3 parts in YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels


Bonus #1 – Google Retargeting Mastery ($997 Value)

In this 4-part module, you’ll learn the 4 types of retargeting campaigns my agency uses to turn stragglers and prospects on the fence – into customers and clients.

These are advanced-level strategies, so make sure you go through the core training first!

Bonus #2 – Placement Exclusion List ($997 value)

Because YouTube doesn’t have an inventory problem like Facebook, it’s both good and bad for your business.

Good – because you can scale easily while keeping a steady ROI. But…

Bad – because there’s a lot of inventory that may not be a good fit for you. Things like music videos, gaming channels, and kids’ channels.

So over the years, my agency has compiled a list of thousands of channels you can immediately exclude from your campaigns.

It’s the biggest list anywhere because we’ve been actively compiling it while spending millions on traffic.

It also hasn’t been available anywhere outside of my agency…until now.

Just copy and paste what’s on the sheet into your campaign and voila! You’ve successfully avoided wasting thousands of dollars in ad spend.

Bonus #3 – Ad Scripting Workshop Recordings ($2500 value)

Would it be valuable if my team and I walked you through exactly how to script your YouTube ads for your business?

What if you could see us work one-on-one with other business owners like you, developing ad scripts?

This is the same process my agency uses to onboard brand new clients before running their campaigns.

You’ll get access to over four hours of content, recorded over two sessions, so you can follow along and come up with endless ideas for how to script your own YouTube Ads.

Bonus #4 – Targeting Workshop Recordings ($2500 Value)

Similar format to the Ad Scripting Workshop. During these Targeting Workshops, my team and I helped develop the exact targeting for several hotseat participants.

Again, this level of support has only been exclusive to my agency clients. It’s actually something my clients never see because my team handles it internally.

Now you can see exactly how we do it by watching two full sessions, following along, and applying what you see to your own business.

And above are 4 parts bonuses in YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels


Since Dan and I are teaming up for this program, he’s going to throw in 2 major bonuses to help you succeed with YouTube ads.

Bonus #5 – YouTube Ad Madness ($197 Value)

This is a training straight from Dan’s copywriting program, Modern Day Copy. This program is not currently available to the public, so you can’t access this training unless you’re a previous Modern Day Copy student.

In this training, Dan will go over the exact framework he uses to hand over high converting YouTube ad creatives to my team, so we can scale his YouTube campaigns.

Bonus #6 – Lighting And Cameras Session ($497)

This is a private training Dan did for his Elite mastermind clients. Dan’s clients paid multiple five figures to attend these events, and the mastermind is no longer open.

So this is the only place where you can access this training.

So that’s everything inside YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels. This means…


OMG, The Total Value of YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels Is $9,685, Of course you won’t be investing $9,685 today.

My motivation for opening this program to the public came from potential clients who wanted to work with me, but unfortunately we don’t have the capacity to work directly with everyone, and we have very strict criteria for who we partner with.

So naturally they asked if I had a course. And until now, the answer was no.

But now, you can join YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels for a one-time fee of $1997.

If you or your client sells a high ticket product/program ($500 -$15,000+)… this means you can cover the cost of your investment or more with a couple of sales.

Plus, this is a fraction of what it costs to work with me, and you’re getting the exact strategies my agency uses.

So starting today, you get to copy the same system I’m using to help my 7 and 8 figure clients.

You’re getting access to my best strategies.

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 6.67 GB

Also, See:Ezra Firestone – Smart Business Systems

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