Julie Solomon – The Influencer Academy

Julie Solomon – The Influencer Academy – WSO Downloads wos downloads


Julie Solomon – The Influencer Academy – WSO Downloads 

Julie Solomon – The Influencer Academy – WSO Downloads – Here’s a scroll-stopping question for bloggers + entrepreneurs who put in CEO-amount of hours working on their business, but still get paid like an intern balancing a stack of papers in cute heels 

Julie Solomon – The Influencer Academy – WSO Downloads

Julie Solomon – The Influencer Academy – WSO Downloads 


Julie Solomon – The Influencer Academy – WSO Downloads 

What’s the biggest difference between the big bloggers and content creators who make a full-time living as an entrepreneur leveraging their smarts to build out e-courses, partnerships, and their own product lines that totally justify high-fiving herself…

… and feeling like you’re spinning your wheels just trying to keep up with content creation—wondering if you’ll ever get to the point when Nordstrom appreciates you as much as your bank account appreciates them? 

Julie Solomon – The Influencer Academy Let me know if this sounds familiar: 

You roll over and immediately move your hand until it hits—yep, right there: A hard, shiny glass screen. You tap open your go-to app and pause until the red pop-up displays a few vital metrics: Followers, check. Comments, check. Mentions, check. 

And thus begins the day—you’ll just add another shiny screen (mornin’, laptop!) and cup of coffee to the mix and quite literally work from sunup to sundown… alternating between Bravo and E! in the background + Postmates on the way while the hour’s tick later into the evening. 

Clicking through your Gmail on one display, thumbing through and answering follower comments on another. 

Some days it’s playing bumper cars in traffic to get to a photo shoot, most days its endless content creation. It’s a constant one-thing-after-another reactionary kind of day. 

Honestly, it usually feels like one step forward, and five steps back (Okay, let’s just be 2-glasses-of-frosé-al-fresco honest: lately it feels like no steps forward—just a dead end on some days). 

Things haven’t quite worked out as you thought. 

Which makes you that much more agitated when family and friends don’t see this as a real business. 

Your love/hate addiction to scoping out fellow brands used to be a fun inspo sesh—but now, it’s a discouraging little reminder of just how much you have on your endless to-do list to turn this blog into a business. 

And as new months tick off in your pretty planner, shifting your goals from “well, that month must have not been the right timing” to the next month, even you—the starry-eyed dreamer—are starting to doubt if you’ve really got the vision and clarity to make this thing work. 

If you’re going to reach your full potential, cultivate deep trust with your followers, and grow a community that inspires others… instead of constantly feeling like the driver dropped you off on the plateau of brand growth and there’s no piece of the “KILLING the game pie” left over for you. 

And that’s why I’m going to show you exactly how to finally shift things back to your favor. 

Because once you have a tailored-to-your-goals-plan, you’ll also hold the keys to the kingdom to: 

Bounce ideas off of and ask questions to a like-minded group with the collective energy of ambition and creativity that for once you can relate to. 

Also See: JKD 2020 SEO Training to Rank for Local Keywords [November 2019] 

Make a full-time living as an influencer, and leverage your skills to create e-courses, e-books, your own fashion collection, and eco-friendly toddler sippy cup line or whatever your dreams are made of. 

Have an engaged community of women who go to your site to share tips and learn from one another, because instead of talking to everyone, you’re talking to YOUR people. 

Play to your strengths, so you know how to hone and use those well… and if it’s not in your zone of genius, you know exactly how to hire the right person, and can afford them too! 

Enjoy a constant stream of monthly income with which you can support yourself and your family (and yes, furbabes count as children). 

I’m telling you, these things are TOTALLY within reach even if you have a follower count that isn’t quite flaunting the almighty “K” at the end of it yet. 

… but they do depend on a strategic, step-by-step roadmap approach. 

One that means a little tough love at times, because as fun as clicking through new arrivals on REVOLVE.com is… 

Julie Solomon – The Influencer Academy Here’s what you get inside 

The Influencer Academy™ 

You need an actual business strategy curated for someone in your niche. The strategy that builds your dreams when you feel like the algorithm’s not quite linking arms with you. THAT is sustainability, and that’s what we’re after with The Influencer Academy™. 

  • Module 1 
  • Module 2 
  • Module 3 
  • Module 4 
  • Module 5 
  • Module 6 

Module 1 


Here’s how I put it: what would it look like if your business were easy? If it were even creative and fun? It’s time to get the freedom and the invitation that is needed to show up. THIS is the foundation of the business you grow. 

You’ll learn: 


Your passions will flow in and out, but if you’re staying true to the core—your why, you won’t be all over the place and going crazy. The more you’re in tune with your “why,” the more simplified everything else becomes. 


Build the foundation and lay the groundwork for what needs to be your laser-focused purpose this moment. You’ll learn how to clarify your goals so you don’t waste time doing things that don’t align … if it’s not in your core four, let it go. 


Here’s your pink permission slip to step into your purpose. In this lesson, we’ll dig into some limiting beliefs and mindset blocks that are feeding that pesky imposter syndrome alive-and-well inside that head of yours. It’s time to communicate your message and mission in a way that truly connects with your audience. 


Let’s chat through how to make sure you keep your vision and purpose at the forefront of where you’re going. And yes, we’ll talk about competition and collaboration. There’s a time and a place to love ’em, but there’s a time and a place to leave them, too. By the end of this module, you’ll have a clear-cut understanding of your purpose which lays the foundation for everything else. 

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